From the Desktop of Dwight Chestnut
Subject: The Affiliate Innovation Alliance
Dear Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Leaders
Have ever wanted to be a part of something big, REALLY BIG! The Affiliate Innovation Alliance is it.
For example, to aggressively address income inequality, we are launching a large-scale, grassroots-led economic research campaign to explore how to use mass collaboration to improve the income and wealth-building ability of the masses. The Affiliate Innovation Alliance is the originating operational leg and you are at ground floor of the launch of this originating leg.
For this reason, you have an opportunity to make a significant professional contribution and get build massive wealth as this initiative grows and expands.
The benefits associated with a membership in the Affiliate Innovation Alliance is four-fold: Income Production Benefits; Educational Benefits; Operational Benefits; and Personal Legacy Benefits
Income Production Benefits - Your Eleven Income Streams
Education Benefits - Knowledge is MONEY!
Operational Benefits - Put the Petal to the Metal
Personal Legacy Benefits - Be A Part of Something Big
If, for whatever reason, you join the alliance and you do not like operations, the business models, the management team or whatever, you can cancel within 30 days and we will refund 100% of your membership fee. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
The membership fee may increase in the future, so lock-in your membership for just $25.00/month.
It's an old saying. The early bird get the biggest and best worms. Given the scope and the long term impact of what we are looking to accomplish, all founding members will WIN BIG. But, as with anything, you want to get in first, learn the details and position yourself for greatness.
P.S. You are just one click away from joining a team of affiliate marketers who are teaming up, collaborating and looking to do something that will benefit society on a large scale and make a ton of money doing it. BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIG? Join us.
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