Get in on the ground floor of the launch of a new economic research initiative and earn income according to this $100,000/month plan. You get access to eleven new income Streams that you will not have access to otherwise.  

Income Streams #1 thru #9: Link nine (9) Income Streams under the hood of promoting a FREE system with six of the nine being monthly residual Income Streams.
Income Streams #10: The list you build by promoting the FREE system will be a highly responsive email list and you will get exceptionally high open rates on every email you send. More opens = more income.   

Income Stream #11: We use crowdfunding dollars to run the FREE system.  You get to claim a percentage of the crowdfunded dollars as a monthly income source; 

The FREE System mentioned is a by-product of the Economic Research Initiative. The Income Producing Power of each Income Stream is magnified by the economic value and scope of the Economic Research Initiative  

From the Desktop of Dwight Chestnut

Subject: The Affiliate Innovation Alliance

Dear Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Leaders

Have ever wanted to be a part of something big, REALLY BIG! The Affiliate Innovation Alliance is it.  

For example, to aggressively address income inequality, we are launching a large-scale, grassroots-led economic research campaign to explore how to use mass collaboration to improve the income and wealth-building ability of the masses. The Affiliate Innovation Alliance is the originating operational leg and you are at ground floor of the launch  of this originating leg.  

For this reason, you have an opportunity to make a significant professional contribution and get build massive wealth as this initiative grows and expands.  

The FREE New Business System You Promote

Income Streams #1 thru #9

Income Streams #10

Income Stream #11

Your $100,000/Month Plan

Join the Affiliate Innovation Alliance

List of Benefit Available to
Founding Members

The benefits associated with a membership in the Affiliate Innovation Alliance is four-fold: Income Production Benefits; Educational Benefits; Operational Benefits; and Personal Legacy Benefits

Income Production Benefits - Your Eleven Income Streams

Income Stream #1: IMMEDIATE and direct income tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #2: IMMEDIATE and direct income tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #3: IMMEDIATE and direct income tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #4: CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #5: CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #6: CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #7: CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #8: CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #9: CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME tied to you referring people to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.  

Income Stream #10: DIRECT and CONTINUOUS RESIDUAL INCOME options you can generate by monetizing your highly responsive email list.  You will learn how to promote mission applicable product/services  that are synergistic to the Operational Mission and Vision. This will increase your closing rate significantly. 

Income Stream 11 : You can use this Income Stream to link monthly residual income to the growth of the crowdfunding resources feeding this system. The crowdfunding resources will grow and expand as we spread the word about the Operational Mission and Vision and the associated benefits.  Given the scope of the Operational Mission and Vision and value we look to deliver to society over time, the crowdfunding resources could grow well into the billions and you can get your piece of this pie in the years to come.  **CRITICAL NOTE:** This Income Stream is only for founding members or members who get in during the Prelaunch period. Non-founding members will not have access to this Income Stream.  

Education Benefits - Knowledge is MONEY!

Learn the twelve Income Streams and how you can properly position yourself to maximize each Income Stream as we move operations from Prelaunch to Stage IV.

Learn the details associated with the Operational Mission and Vision and all the operational legs, which includes the Affiliate Innovation Alliance and three (3) other operational legs and how you can capitalize on each one.  

Learn how you can use the professional social network LinkedIn to refer professionals from all walks of life and professional disciplines to the FREE Online Co-ownership Work Environment and the big picture Operational Mission and Vision.    

You get continuous and on-going education as applicable to support each stage of operation and how and when you can capitalize.  This is continuous and on-going. 

Operational Benefits - Put the Petal to the Metal

Get access to the multiple marketing portals and the marketing tools you need to promote the FREE Online Co-Ownership Work Environment and all twelve Income Streams

Get a continuous list of mission applicable affiliate links and associated email swipes and tools you need to monetize your email list and maximize your income from Income Stream #10.  Remember, people on your list will be waiting to support you because you and other founding members laid the economic foundation for the Operational Mission and Vision.  

Get access to a constantly expanding online community of participating founders who are passionate about our Operational Mission and Vision and who are willing to collaborate and share ideas.  This includes access a dedicated Facebook, continuous and on-going instructional, education and Q&A Zoom calls. 

Get access to our support team.  Our number one job is to help you succeed.  

Personal Legacy Benefits - Be A Part of Something Big

Want to establish and leave a personal legacy? What better to leave a legacy than to get in as a founding member of the Affiliate Innovation Alliance and help plant the economic seeds of economic system that could be HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT in the eyes of future generations.  In essence, BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIG

30 Day 100% Risk FREE Guarantee

If, for whatever reason, you join the alliance and you do not like operations, the business models, the management team or whatever, you can cancel within 30 days and we will refund 100% of your membership fee. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  

Join us as a founding member of the Affiliate
Innovation Alliance  --- just $25/month

The membership fee may increase in the future, so lock-in your membership for just $25.00/month. 


It's an old saying. The early bird get the biggest and best worms.  Given the scope and the long term impact of what we are looking to accomplish, all founding members will WIN BIG.  But, as with anything, you want to get in first, learn the details and position yourself for greatness.    

P.S. You are just one click away from joining a team of affiliate marketers who are teaming up, collaborating and looking to do something that will benefit society on a large scale and make a ton of money doing it. BE A PART OF SOMETHING BIG? Join us.   

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